

The American Legion Auxiliary, Bernard L. Tobin, Unit 128 will be hosting the Northern Central District 3, American Legion Auxiliary, State of Maryland, ALL DAY BINGO on
March 22, 2025
Tickets are $ 40.00, which includes: 1 package of all Regular Games and Lunch.
Doors open at 10:30 a.m., Early Bird Games begin at 11:30 am. Regular Games will begin at Noon.
You must be 21 years and older to enter and play.

If you would like to purchase tickets, contact: Kim Werner at (410) 937-8000 or Vickie Adams at (443) 243-0894. Tables/Seats will only be held for a 6 people or more.

There will be additional bingo game sheets that you can purchase: Early Bird Games, Special Games, Jackpot Games, Winner-Take-All and any other bingo game that you would want to play that is not included in the admission package.

You also have the choice to purchase additional Packages-(1) Regular Game Packages (admission package), and /or (2) Special Bingo Game Package that include ALL Special games, and Jackpot game, that are not included in your admission package.

We will have Raffle Baskets, 50/50 chances, pull-tabs for your chance to win instant cash money, and many more fun things for you to enjoy at this fundraising event.

No outside food allowed. The kitchen will be open for food purchase and the Bar will be open for beverages with Special Bingo Beverages.

Come out and join us for this Annual Fundraising Event. In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the American Legion Auxiliary supports The American Legion, honoring the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security. Please let us know if you would like information on how to join our Auxiliary.