For Diners
What days are Restaurant Week deals valid for?
The 2023 Harford County Restaurant Week will run from January 20 - January 29, 2023.
How do I view the menu for each restaurant?
Visit www.HarfordCountyRestaurantWeek.com and scroll down to find the restaurant of your choice, then click the menu that you wish to view. Please understand, restaurants may have indicated they will participate but have not yet submitted their menu. You may also view the menus on the restaurant websites and Facebook pages.
How does Restaurant Week benefit Customers?
Customers can visit many of the restaurants where they may have been hoping to dine at affordable prices. It’s a great time to try out a new dining experience, visit an old favorite, or introduce friends to a new experience.
What can customers expect from restaurants during Restaurant Week?
Participating restaurants will offer special fixed-price breakfast, lunch and/or dinner menus during Restaurant Week. Each menu will include distinct choices to appeal to a range of diners. Regular menus, including any available kids’ menus, will also be offered during the promotion week.
Are regular menus offered during Restaurant Week?
Yes, regular menus, including any available kids’ menus, will also be offered during the promotion week.
What is the Facebook page for Restaurant Week?
Visit us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/VisitHarford. Be sure to LIKE the page to receive updates.
How do I encourage my favorite restaurant to participate in Restaurant Week?
To suggest a restaurant for Restaurant Week, email us at info@visitharford.com and be sure to encourage your restaurant manager to sign up before the December 19 deadline.
For Restauranteurs
What is Harford County Restaurant Week?
Restaurant Week is a great way to stretch your marketing dollars by reaching first-time customers and returning customers looking for an incentive to dine out.
Restaurants receive exposure through print, web, email, radio advertising and social media marketing promotions, including Harford County Restaurant Week – the official website for this special event plus exposure on the Visit Harford Facebook page.
Both the website and Facebook page drive traffic to restaurants’ websites throughout the year.
How does Restaurant Week benefit Restaurant Owners?
Restaurant owners benefit from Visit Harford’s marketing efforts, including radio, print, web, social media, a dedicated Restaurant Week website and Visit Harford’s Facebook page that drives traffic to their sites all year long, as well as the potential for more exposure through press releases and regional newspaper coverage of the event. Restaurant Week is FREE for restaurants to participate.
What do I get?
- Listing with logo, menu, and link to your website from a professionally designed website.
- Acknowledgements on and access to the Visit Harford Facebook Page that is followed by thousands. Simply LIKE our Facebook page and your Facebook page posts are automatically shared.
- Email marketing through Visit Harford’s monthly e-newsletter, currently received by over 12,000 people!
- Thousands of dollars worth of advertising exposure and buzz, for FREE!
Register by December 19, 2022 to participate in ALL promotional opportunities!
What do I need to do?
Register your restaurant:
December 19th, 2022 : Deadline to register for participation in Harford County Restaurant Week. Registering to participate is simple – send an email to info@visitharford.com or catherine@visitharford.com indicating you will participate in the January 2023 Harford County Restaurant Week. Registrations will be accepted after this deadline, but we cannot guarantee your information will be included in any promotional material. As soon as you have created your menu, please send us a PDF version to be included on the website.
January 6, 2023 : Deadline to provide restaurant menu for placement on the Restaurant Week website.
Website gets updated as restaurants submit materials.
Remember, this is FREE for you to participate! So get started today!
What days are Restaurant Week deals valid for?
The 2023 Harford County Restaurant Week will run from January 20 – 29, 2023.
What can customers expect from restaurants during Restaurant Week?
Participating restaurants will offer special fixed price breakfast, lunch and/or dinner menus during Restaurant Week. Each menu will include distinct choices to appeal to a range of diners. Regular menus, including any available kids’ menus, will also be offered during the promotion week.
Are regular menus offered during Restaurant Week?
Yes, regular menus, including any available kids’ menus, will also be offered during the promotion week.
What is the Facebook page for Restaurant Week?
Visit us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/VisitHarford. Be sure to LIKE the page to receive updates.
Can restaurants post on the Facebook page for Restaurant Week?
Participating restaurants are welcome to LIKE the Facebook page and post to the page regarding their offerings during Restaurant Week. Of course, once you LIKE the Facebook Page, any posts to your own page throughout the year show up on the Restaurant Week page — all year long.